Week of April 17th Newsletter

By April 16, 2021June 10th, 2021No Comments

Howdy, Trinity Family!

It’s an incredibly exciting time at Trinity and we had a great return to Real Men, Flourish Women’s Life Groups, and Trinity Students this week!

Flourish on Wednesday evenings (6:30-8:30 PM) and Trinity Students on Saturday evenings (6-8 PM) also held their first meetings at our new Trinity Cafe kitty-corner from the church. *Wednesday morning Flourish still meeting at the church (both times with childcare).

If you haven’t noticed, the temperatures are rising here in the Valley, so we’re bringing back waterslides, water toys, AND the foam cannon for Trinity Kids! Swimsuit Summer starts again on Saturday, May 1, and kids are invited to wear their swimsuits to church as The Backyard transforms into a waterpark every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday during the summer.

Mother’s Day is coming up on May 9 and, to celebrate the occasion, we’ll be doing baby dedications all weekend! When Jesus was a baby, His parents took Him to the temple to dedicate Him to God, and He was baptized. We follow this example by inviting families to introduce themselves, read a special verse for the child they are dedicating, commit to raising their child to know and love Jesus to the best of their ability, and then the church family prays over them. Want to dedicate your little one(s) Mother’s Day weekend? Click here. 

As a reminder, we now have a 6 PM service on Saturdays in addition to our 4 PM service and the Trinity Grill will be open Saturday evenings & Sundays after the 11 AM service! Make plans to stay after service to grab lunch or dinner and meet some new people. *Free food at the Trinity Grill after the 6 PM service on Saturdays during the month of April.

We can’t wait to see you this weekend! If you’d like to read ahead, Pastor Mark is continuing in Romans with 11:1-10.

Daily Devotions

Want to go deeper in your study of each sermon series? 5 days a week (Monday-Friday), you can get Daily Devotions sent straight to your inbox from Pastor Mark! At RealFaith.com, you can also go back in our Daily Devotions Archive for the daily devotions from a previous series.

If you’d like to get Daily Devos sent straight to your inbox five days a week, click here!

To access the Daily Devotions section of RealFaith.com, click here.

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