Week of April 10th Newsletter

By April 9, 2021June 10th, 2021No Comments

Howdy, Trinity Family!

We hope you were able to join us last weekend for the BIGGEST weekend in the history of The Trinity Church! We had almost 6000 people over the weekend and celebrated 105 baptisms! It was incredible!

We kicked off a new service time – Saturdays at 6 PM – last weekend for Easter and we’re keeping it going because of SO much growth to our church family! If you’re planning to attend the Saturday 6 PM service, make sure to stick around for food trucks and free food with the debut of the Trinity Grill!

After taking a break for Easter, Flourish Women’s Life Groups and Real Men return next Wednesday, April 14, all taking place at the church. Flourish is Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 AM and Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM and Real Men also takes place Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM. *childcare available Wednesday mornings and evenings

Trinity Students also returns this weekend at our new location across the street in the Basha’s parking lot! (same time Saturdays at 6 PM).

We can’t wait to see you this weekend! If you’d like to read ahead, Pastor Mark is jumping back into Romans with 10:14-21.

Real Classes

Each month, Pastor Mark releases content through Real Classes at RealFaith.com, which is currently the release of newly revised Doctrine content each month.

If you’d like to receive emails jam-packed with theological resources each month, click here to sign up!

To access the Real Classes section of RealFaith.com, click here.

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