Week of March 20th Newsletter

By March 19, 2021June 10th, 2021No Comments

Howdy, Trinity Family!

We hope you’re having a great week and can’t wait to see you this weekend!

Over the past couple of weeks since our prayer meeting, Pastor Mark has been sharing updates on the generosity of the church as we head towards Easter.

Click below to check out Pastor Mark’s latest update on how the generosity of our church will help us continue to make improvements on our church home to welcome more and more people into our church family!

As we prepare for more and more growth to our church family, we’re adding a permanent 4th service time – Saturdays at 6 PM – starting Easter weekend!

To get ready for the 6 PM service, we’re changing the schedule a bit for this weekend’s Join the Team Weekend! If you want to get plugged in to serve on Team Trinity, join us Saturday, March 20 (special time at 6 PM) or Sunday, March 21 (normal time from 1-3 PM). Saturday’s focus will be gathering a core group to launch the 6 PM service while the goal of both times will be getting you plugged into Team Trinity! Let us know you’re coming by filling out the form here. *Trinity Kids available Sunday only, not Saturday. Saturday will not go the full 2 hours (closer to 45 minutes).

AND we’re just over 2 weeks away from our biggest party of the year!

Join us Friday, April 2 at 5 or 6:30 PM for Good Friday as we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sins.

THEN, we’re having FIVE services between TWO days for Easter to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection! Join us Saturday, April 3 at 4 or 6 PM or Sunday, April 4 at 8:30, 10, or 11:30 AM. *Full Trinity Kids available for both Good Friday services. Trinity Kids for nursery and toddlers available for all five Easter services.

For Easter, we’ll throw a huge party including giant slides, a carousel, inflatable bouncy houses, carnival games, and a petting zoo, so make plans to stay after service both Saturday and Sunday. AND we get to celebrate as people publicly declare what God has done in their lives with BAPTISMS! If you’d like to be baptized, we’d love to celebrate with you. Click this link to sign up to be baptized.

Want to read ahead? It’s going to be another great weekend at Trinity, so make sure to join us as Pastor Mark continues in Romans 9:14-29.

Real Parenting

Feel like you could use some encouragement and Godly counsel in parenting?

Check out the Real Parenting section of Real Faith where you can find relevant sermons, devos, articles, and more from Pastor Mark and Grace on the topic of parenting.

We wanted to share this encouraging email that recently came into the inbox on the impact of Real Parenting and Real Faith:

I didn’t have a father growing up, so I had no idea where to look for guidance on life (faith, education, job, money, parenting, spouse). After listening to him for over ten years now, Pastor Mark has drastically changed who I am as a man, husband, father, and follower of Jesus. His ministry has set me up to lead my family very well. My family will be positively affected for many generations into the future, and I can’t thank him enough for all of the hard work he has put into training young men who need a well-centered, godly father of faith. 

To sign up to receive Real Faith content to your email, click here and choose what you’d like to receive.

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